Specialist in stereoscopic geological & geomorphological mapping for mineral exploration
Utilising images acquired by generations of increasingly sophisticated aircraft and satellite-borne remote sensing systems provides a cost-effective means of mapping geological, geomorphological, environmental and cultural features in diverse geographic environments.
Expert interpretation of stereographic imagery provides a rapid and accurate mapping of various features of interest over a wide range of scales.
Generations of images acquired over time facilitate modelling and monitoring both causative and remedial effects on the physical environment.
Consulting services provided
Advising on the relevant solution to optimise the usefulness of stereoscopic imagery and its interpretation for client's requirements
Stereographic modelling and interpretation (mapping) study for applications including:
Geological (lithology, alteration, structure) interpretation using stereoscopic airborne and satellite image data
Geomorphological (regolith, drainage, surficial materials)
Geophysical products (lateral and vertical mapping of the geology, geological structure, alteration, groundwater etc., beneath the Earth's surface, based on physical property variations that are remotely sensed using non-invasive technologies)
Integrated analysis of stereoscopically derived mapping products with complimentary map-based records (e.g. geochemistry) to highlight and rank relevant areas of interest (targets, anomalies, unique features etc.)
Provision of interpretation products in a range of formats suitable for use with GIS and Google Earth software applications